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Bulky waste is waste that cannot be placed in the waste containers provided due to its size, weight and nature, in particular household items and furniture.
This means that household waste that fits in the garbage can is not bulky waste!
Bulky waste from private households in Jena can be handed in free of charge at any time at the recycling centers.
Businesses can also dispose of bulky waste in this way, but there is a charge.
The collection of bulky waste can also be registered. You will need to make an appointment for this.
z. E.g. cupboards, tables, chairs, bed frames, lamps, garden furniture made of plastic or untreated wood
z. E.g. mattresses, upholstered furniture, foam rubber, textile floor coverings, carpets, cables, suitcases, child car seats
z. E.g. metal tubs, gas stoves, radiators, ovens (without tiles, without fireclay lining), bicycles, baby carriages, office chairs, combustion lawnmowers (without operating materials!)
Wood from furniture/furnishings only
such as refrigerators and freezers, TVs, monitors, electric stoves, washing machines and tumble dryers as well as dishwashers are collected separately and disposed of free of charge.
z. Vacuum cleaners, microwaves, irons and hair dryers are accepted free of charge at the recycling centers. These can also be disposed of in the city using the small waste containers available
z. E.g. paints, varnishes, old medicines, asbestos, batteries/rechargeable batteries
Wallpaper, cupboard contents (porcelain, glass, decorations, small toys), garden and bicycle tubes, tarpaulins, tents
z. E.g. bricks, stones, masonry
z. E.g. doors, windows, floorboards, wallpaper, insulating materials, PVC flooring and linoleum etc.
z. E.g. tree and shrub cuttings
Glasses, bottles, paper, cardboard, cartons, Lightweight packaging
z. E.g. treated wood: roof battens, fences, beams, animal stables, pallets/furniture, doors, windows, laminate, parquet, panels, garden and pallet furniture
Bulky waste from private households is disposed of on call. Collection takes place after prior notification by telephone or in writing to the KSJ by the waste owner. We are happy to accept your orders with the following data: Name, address, telephone number, collection location, number and type of bulky items.
Please note:
Large old electrical appliances - must also be registered for collection. You will also receive an appointment for this.
At the earliest one day before the agreed collection day or at the latest by 6:00 a.m. on the collection day, the bulky waste must be placed at ground level at the property boundary to the public traffic area in a place accessible to the disposal vehicle (e.g. footpath). This must not obstruct traffic.
Bulky waste must not be placed in waste containers.
We do not enter or drive on private property/roads.
... of the bulky waste, the site must be cleaned by the property owner or the applicant.
Waste that does not belong to bulky waste will not be taken away. The applicant must dispose of this himself.
Bulky waste deposited without an appointment constitutes an administrative offense in accordance with § 23 Para. 2 No. 9 of the Waste Statutes of the City of Jena, which will be punished!
Note: Do not enter or drive on private roads and properties.
You can also take bulky waste to the recycling center yourself.
Please note the following:
The disposal of bulky waste is free of charge for private households in the city of Jena.
If removal companies, household liquidators or furniture exchanges are commissioned to deliver the bulky waste, the client must be present at the time of delivery. Carers require a valid power of attorney and a copy of their ID. Family members can drop off bulky waste after presenting a copy of their ID. The prerequisite for this is proof of a health care proxy or power of attorney/death certificate/tenancy agreement.
Please pre-sort the bulky waste. Purely wooden furniture is placed in a separate container for wood.
We also undertake household clearances, clearing out and removal services for you.We will provide you with a quote after a joint on-site inspection.The fee depends on the work involved.
We organize the necessary containers and dispose of everything professionally for you.
Information, appointments and orders under: Tel. (03641) 4989-510 and e-mail: sperrmuell@jena.de
Opening hours
1. November 2024 until March 29, 2025
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
24.12.2024 closed
31.12.2024 09:00 - 12:00
30. March until October 26, 2025
Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday - Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
→ Please note exceptions/holiday regulations!
Opening hours
1. November 2024 until March 29, 2025
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
24.12.2024 closed
31.12.2024 09:00 - 12:00
30. March until October 26, 2025
Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday - Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
→ Please note exceptions/holiday regulations!