Traffic lights

The 94 public traffic light systems in Jena - colloquially known as traffic lights - are maintained by the electrical engineering department of Kommunalservice Jena.

We are not only responsible for fault rectification, but also for planning, optimization and maintenance in the interests of efficient and ecological operation.

The traffic light systems consist of:

> 4,300 signal chambers (red/yellow/green lights)
> 1,700 signal heads and push buttons (loudspeakers and vibration surfaces for the visually impaired)
> 600 traffic detectors (record the volume of traffic)
94 control cabinets
as well as masts, cabling and control units.

Barrier-free traffic lights

To enable blind and visually impaired people to participate in road traffic, important traffic lights are equipped with aids for crossing roads. These include lowered kerbs, grooved plates and acoustic and tactile signal heads.
More information in our brochure.

Ongoing traffic is monitored with the aid of a traffic computer.

Report a fault

Report defects to Jena or by e-mail:

If you notice any damage or faults (e.g. damaged buttons due to vandalism or similar), you can report them to us.

Electrical engineering

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena
Traffic signal (traffic light) system

Intelligent, environmentally-oriented traffic control

The aim is to make urban vehicle traffic safer and more environmentally friendly. This is achieved by

  • stabilizing the flow of traffic and
  • avoiding, for example, long waiting phases at traffic lights

using innovative traffic management systems.

In addition to the existing infrastructure, it is also necessary to expand or supplement system components such as traffic signal systems.

Continuous traffic and environmental monitoring serves as the basis for the dynamic derivation and implementation of traffic control scenarios. Technology was renewed for this purpose. The traffic computer was updated and 40 traffic lights are now equipped with new controls.

Many non-discriminatory crossings were created, cyclists were included in junction traffic, the acceleration of local traffic was adapted in many places, the outdoor facilities were converted to 1-watt technology, the 'green wave' was revised and much more.

In addition, the turnaround time in the daily program has been shortened, which in turn saves waiting time for all participants. In many places, the switch was made to demand control in the off-peak period.

Nevertheless, a traffic light is always a compromise for all parties involved and primarily serves to improve road safety and ensure the orderly flow of traffic. Of course, optimizations continue to take place.

Traffic lights and traffic at night

With the help of the "Low CO2 mobility - environmentally oriented traffic management Thuringia" funding program from the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy & Nature Conservation, the "Environmentally oriented traffic management Jena (UVM-J)" project was implemented over a period from 2019 - 2021.

Image removed.

Electrical engineering

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena