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As a service provider for the city of Jena, the KSJ is responsible for the safety, maintenance and care of 75 municipal playgrounds, play areas and football pitches.
Children have to play!
Fun and enjoyment promote children's abilities, but social and motor skills are also supported. Those who play in a self-determined way accept challenges and thus strengthen their will and resolve. We take these requirements into account when planning and equipping our playgrounds.
We try to create inclusive play areas with play equipment that can be used by as many different children as possible. The aim is for everyone to be able to play together on an equal footing, help each other and learn with and from each other.
(Postanschrift: Löbstedter Str. 68)
07749 Jena

Duty of care for playgrounds
Our tasks include
- regular visual and wear and tear inspections of all public playgrounds
- Function of moving and fixed parts
- Soiling, rotting/corrosion
- Vandalism damage
- Sand heights and safety distances
- Fall protection areas
- Wear test on parts (e.g. chains, bearings, screws)
- Stability test of the equipment through load tests
- Initiation of appropriate measures in the event of danger, blocking of equipment
- Equipment repairs and replacement
- Cleaning and maintenance of playgrounds (including sand cleaning)
- Participation in the planning of playgrounds (urban development/urban planning department, youth welfare planning)

- Lobeda West "Klex" children's and youth center
- Ernst-Schneller-Straße
- Marienwäldchen
- Ziegesarstrasse
- Kastanienstraße
- Salvador-Allende-Platz
- Salvador-Allende-Platz Green corridor
- Karl-Marx-Allee, Lobeda West Skatepark
- Emil-Wölk-Straße
- Lobeda Old Town
- Göschwitz, at the sports field
- Hugo-Schrade-Straße
- Schrödingerstraße
- Hahnengrund
- Playing points Tangente
- Johannes-R.-Becher Street
- Ringwiese
- Burgau

- Sickingenstraße
- Fichteplatz
- Friedensberg
- Paradise
- Kritzegraben
- Eichplatz
- Rasenmühleninsel, BMX skate park
- Johannisstraße/Kollegiengasse
- Landgrafen
- Zeitzer Strasse
- Friedensstraße
- Himmelreich
- Stifterstraße
- Leibnizstraße
- Löbstedt

- In front of the valley school
- Wenigenjenaer Platz
- Schlippenstrasse
- Kunitzer Street
- Löbichauer Street
- Franz-Liszt-Straße
- In den Fuchslöchern
- Klopfleischstraße
- Ziegenhain
- Drackendorf
- Krippendorf
- Kunitz "Am Spielberg" and ball game area at the park
- Leutra
- Münchenroda
- Fourteen Saints
- Wogau
- Ilmnitz, playground (football pitch)
- Lützeroda
- Isserstedt
- Cospeda
- Closewitz
- Jenaprießnitz

- Play tables in the Jena North green corridor
- Individual play equipment Schützenhofstraße
- Individual play equipment Johannisstraße/Kollegiengasse
- Play tables Rasenmühleninsel
- Conference pillars at the frame
- Burgau fairground
(Postanschrift: Löbstedter Str. 68)
07749 Jena