Posters / advertising systems

Advertising in public spaces - posters, billboards, illuminated mast advertising, company advertising, bicycle stands, etc. - constitutes special use.

Legal basis

These are the special use statutes and the special use fee statutes.

Are you planning such advertising?

This must be applied for at least 2 weeks before the start of the intended special use.
Applications submitted late may be rejected and subject to a fee.

You will be charged €18.00 for the issue of a simple permit in accordance with the administrative cost statutes of the City of Jena. Time fees are charged for extensive applications. These amount to € 12.50 per quarter of an hour or part thereof. Expenses will also be passed on to you as the "permit holder".

In the city of Jena, events may be advertised a maximum of 14 days before the date of the event.

Important note

Furthermore, we would like to point out that we do not

  • design services,
  • Sell poster supports (cardboard) or
  • Put up posters ourselves.

Special use of posters

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena

Do you have any questions? Please give us a call. Personal appointments must always be arranged in advance.


Advertising media

The following media are possible after timely application with a positive decision. The calculation is based on the street category (see special usage fee regulations).

Size: DIN A1
Fee: 1,20 € per piece/day
Special feature: Non-profit associations receive 30 posters per calendar year for a maximum of 14 days free of charge. Beyond this, a fee reduction of 50% at the regular rate applies. The current exemption certificate from the tax office must be enclosed with the application form as proof of non-profit status.
Attachment: on light poles
Please note: Specifications for posters can be found in the special use regulations.
Posters must be provided with inspection labels. The permit holder receives the labels with the permit.
Example of a poster

on construction fences, large mobile stands or similar

Fee for

up to 1 m² in size
per piece/day
1.20 € to 2.00 €
up to 1 m² in size
per piece/week
8,00 € to 12,00 €
from 1 m² size
per day and per
m² advertising space
1.50 € to 2.50 €


Signposting advertising is possible on light poles in the city of Jena. This permanent installation is always carried out in a fixed frame system with a carrier plate (75 x 75 cm).
The installation is carried out by Kommunalservice Jena.


The annual fee is between € 230.00 and € 290.00 depending on the road category (see special usage fee statutes) (plus carrier plate and installation).

Desired location

The desired location of the advertising installation must be specified when submitting the application. This will then be checked by us. If the desired location is not available, an alternative location can be determined jointly.

The following special uses are also possible on publicly dedicated areas:

  • Company advertising
  • Bicycle stands with advertising space
  • Tobacco and vending machines
Company advertising on bicycle stands
Company advertising on bicycle stands

How does the application for special use work?

  1. You fill out the application for special use and send it to us.
  2. You will receive a fee notice.
  3. After your payment, we will issue the permit for special use (with conditions and further information).
  4. For posters, you will receive the test labels for affixing.


Advertising systems from Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH

Jena also has a wide range of advertising media from Ströer. These advertising systems (e.g. advertising pillars, large areas) are booked directly via Ströer.

Special feature for clubs

A limited, free advertising budget is available for associations, which can be used depending on availability.
Please note: Production and gluing costs are not free of charge and are not part of the advertising budget.

Special use of posters

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena

Do you have any questions? Please give us a call. Personal appointments must always be arranged in advance.
