Welcome to Kommunal service Jena

Kommunalservice Jena is a modern service provider in the municipal and commercial sector.

For the city of Jena, we take care of waste disposal, collection of fees and contributions, street cleaning, street lighting, planning, administration, monitoring, maintenance, land management, monitoring of traffic structures and winter services.

Focusing on the needs of our customers and your satisfaction with our services is our top priority.

Let us know what concerns you have for us!

Portrait Uwe Feige VKU-Vizepräsident der Abfallsparte und Werkleiter Kommunalservice Jena
New Vice President of the Waste Division at VKU

Uwe Feige unanimously elected as the new VKU Vice President of the Waste Division

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Hände reparieren ein elektronisches Gerät
Repair bonus for 2024

Another step towards sustainability Repair instead of buying new

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Tetrapack mit neuem festen Verschlussdeckel
Fixed caps on bottles and beverage containers

Customer information on new EU regulation

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Unzählige gesammelte Kronkorken fallen in einen Sammelcontainer für Schrott
Every crown cap counts!

Collection campaign supports the Ronald McDonald House in Jena 1.39 million crown caps

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Mourning circle - Stones of hope
"Mourning Circle" on May 25 canceled at short notice

Unfortunately, the "Mourning Circle of Hope" announced for May 25 at the Jena funeral home cannot take place due to health reasons.

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Guided tour for the Day of the Forest
Discovering the forest with the forester

During an exciting excursion on Forest Day, we show young and old forest explorers the special features of our forest.

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"Green recycling center" award ceremony
Recycling center receives award

The KSJ's northern recycling center was honored with the "Green Recycling Center" award from Deutsche Umwelthilfe.

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View of the recycling center at Löbstedter Straße 56
WLAN at KSJ locations

KSJ and Stadtwerke Jena GmbH have concluded a cooperation agreement on MeinJena WLAN.

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 5. Rally for seriously ill children to Erfurt
KSJ supported 5th rally

Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) supported the 5th rally for seriously ill children to Erfurt by providing 8 trucks.

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Cheque handed over to the Jena Hospice
Donation to the Jena Hospice

The KSJ handed over a cheque for 660 euros to the foundation on 25.01.2024 on the premises of the hospice.

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Man with orange T-shirt

Become part of our team!

Are you interested in a new and interesting job? Are you ready to work for a municipal service provider, accompany exciting projects and work in a team?

Then Kommunalservice Jena is the right place for you!

Bring your personal skills to the table and help us fulfill our wide range of tasks.

Become part of our team!

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