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Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) is a modern service provider in the municipal and commercial sector. For the city of Jena, we take care of waste disposal, collection of fees and contributions, street cleaning, street lighting, planning, administration, monitoring, maintenance, land management, monitoring of traffic structures and winter road clearance.
Focusing on the needs of our customers and your satisfaction with our services is our top priority. Let us know what concerns you have for us!
The plant manager, Mr. Uwe Feige, is the managing director. The deputy plant manager is Ms. Katrin Höckrich. Mr. Jan Wosnitzka heads the Municipal Services division, Mr. Christopher Helbig heads the Civil Engineering and Urban Space division and Ms. Katrin Höckrich heads the Central Services division.
We employ around 400 people and 17 professional educations.
The company's annual turnover is around € 32 million, of which € 10 million is generated in the waste disposal division.
Building a sustainable energy supply for a complex company - this is the challenge the KSJ is facing.
Woodchippings are produced from landscaping material (dead wood) that accumulates during daily work. We use these 3,500 cubic meters of wood chips per year to generate heat and hot water for our business premises. The sun also helps with this. Our solar thermal systems turn sunshine into heat and our photovoltaic systems generate electricity. We use intelligent charging management to power our electric vehicles, making another important contribution to climate protection.
This enables a 55,000 l buffer tank to be charged independently for heating and hot water preparation from May to September.
This can supply approx. 460 four-person households for a year and thus save 776 tons of CO².
In addition, further potential areas for the in-house generation of electricity at the municipal service are being investigated with the aim of making a significant contribution to conserving resources.