Coping with grief - bereavement circle

Unser Trauerkreis

Sie haben hast kürzlich einen geliebten Menschen verloren und fühlen sich vielleicht einsam in Ihrer Trauer?
Trauer ist ein natürlicher Teil des Lebens, aber es gibt viele Wege, wie man mit ihr umgehen kann. Wichtig ist, dass Sie sich Zeit geben und Hilfe bekommen, wenn Sie sie brauchen.

Kommen Sie gern zu unserem Trauerkreis – einem sicheren Raum, in dem Sie mit anderen Menschen, die ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht haben, in Kontakt treten können. 
Unsere erfahrenen Trauerbegleiter helfen Ihnen einfühlsam Ihre Trauer zu bewältigen.


Dates of the mourning circle - Invitation

Dear guests,

Grief is an individual path that everyone walks at their own pace. In our next grief circle on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 2 p.m., we would like to offer another opportunity for exchange, reflection and fellowship.
We will look at the different areas of life that shape and strengthen us. We will use small markers to indicate which areas are particularly important to us - be it family, friendship, memories or thoughts about the future.
Together we explore where we are in our grief, which sources of strength accompany us and which changes we may notice.
You are cordially invited to share your thoughts in a protected atmosphere or simply to join us.
We look forward to seeing you!

Kind regards,
Claudia Kupke, Constanze Fittkau
and Dirk Wildenhayn


A loving framework

With our bereavement circle, we want to be a place for people who are grieving the loss of a close relative or friend to meet.
Here you can talk to each other in a pleasant atmosphere, share experiences and thoughts, remember - be together.

We turn each of our afternoons into something special with different themes and create a loving setting to suit the season or occasion.
We have also gone on walks together, done handicrafts, listened to music, read poems and shared hobbies.

Living grief

Grieving people should and may take time to live their grief.

Everyone grieves in their own way. But no one in our group feels alone on their journey through grief. The grief will remain, but perhaps it will feel different through our encounters over time.


Funeral home Jena

Paradiesstraße 3
07743 Jena

Opening hours

Monday to Friday

08:00 - 16:00

and by appointment


Funeral home Jena

Paradiesstraße 3
07743 Jena

Opening hours

Monday to Friday

08:00 - 16:00

and by appointment
