Traffic lights

The 94 public traffic light systems in Jena - colloquially known as traffic lights - are maintained by the electrical engineering department of Kommunalservice Jena.

We are not only responsible for fault rectification, but also for planning, optimization and maintenance in the interests of efficient and ecological operation.

The traffic light systems consist of:

> 4,300 signal chambers (red/yellow/green lights)
> 1,700 signal heads and push buttons (loudspeakers and vibration surfaces for the visually impaired)
> 600 traffic detectors (record the volume of traffic)
94 control cabinets
as well as masts, cabling and control units.

Barrier-free traffic lights

To enable blind and visually impaired people to participate in road traffic, important traffic lights are equipped with aids for crossing roads. These include lowered kerbs, grooved plates and acoustic and tactile signal heads.
More information in our brochure.

Ongoing traffic is monitored with the aid of a traffic computer.

Report a fault

Report defects to Jena or by e-mail:

If you notice any damage or faults (e.g. damaged buttons due to vandalism or similar), you can report them to us.

Traffic lights

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena
Traffic signal (traffic light) system

Intelligent, environmentally-oriented traffic control

The aim is to make urban vehicle traffic safer and more environmentally friendly. This is achieved by

  • stabilizing the flow of traffic and
  • avoiding, for example, long waiting phases at traffic lights

using innovative traffic management systems.

In addition to the existing infrastructure, it is also necessary to expand or supplement system components such as traffic signal systems.

Continuous traffic and environmental monitoring serves as the basis for the dynamic derivation and implementation of traffic control scenarios. Technology was renewed for this purpose. The traffic computer was updated and 40 traffic lights are now equipped with new controls.

Many non-discriminatory crossings were created, cyclists were included in junction traffic, the acceleration of local traffic was adapted in many places, the outdoor facilities were converted to 1-watt technology, the 'green wave' was revised and much more.

In addition, the turnaround time in the daily program has been shortened, which in turn saves waiting time for all participants. In many places, the switch was made to demand control in the off-peak period.

Nevertheless, a traffic light is always a compromise for all parties involved and primarily serves to improve road safety and ensure the orderly flow of traffic. Of course, optimizations continue to take place.

Traffic lights and traffic at night

With the help of the "Low CO2 mobility - environmentally oriented traffic management Thuringia" funding program from the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy & Nature Conservation, the "Environmentally oriented traffic management Jena (UVM-J)" project was implemented over a period from 2019 - 2021.

ERDF logo

Intelligent traffic light intersection

What makes an intelligent traffic light intersection?

A traffic light crossing is designed to bundle at least two (usually more) competing traffic flows and alternately provide time for a safe crossing.
Traffic events are detected on the basis of induction loops, proximity sensors and classic push-buttons. However, these only represent part of what is actually happening. It is like looking at the world through a slit. As a result, the current circuit diagram has so far been decided on the basis of manual requirements and indications.
By incorporating real objects with direction and speed into the traffic light control system, intelligent, automatic and needs-based switching is possible.

A new type of technology with enormous potential for optimizing road traffic flows.

Do you have any questions? You will find important information below.

Contactless green request - how does it work?

One or more cameras record the flow of traffic in the crossing area. An on-site computer system specially trained in object recognition analyzes the data and automatically detects waiting pedestrians. This information is transferred to the traffic lights and a clearance is requested.

Traffic analysis - what exactly is analyzed?

The system recognizes objects that usually occur in road traffic and assigns them to the appropriate categories. For example, it can distinguish between cars, bicycles, buses, pedestrians and others. Based on the number, speed and direction of movement of the classified objects, the system decides which direction of traffic should currently have priority.

Controlled release - what does this mean?

The release time is the time during which a traffic flow is displayed as green. By detecting objects and their direction of movement, the system can react to special situations. For example, an approaching line of cars can be waited for before the pedestrian is given clearance if this can reduce overall congestion times. In the same way, the green light for pedestrians can also be extended after school classes or people with restricted mobility have been detected.
By the way: Did you know that the pedestrian green is a start signal? If you have just entered the street and the signal changes to red, you still have enough time to cross as a normal pedestrian before vehicle traffic is cleared. This applies to every traffic light in the city.

Is image capture compatible with data protection and privacy?

Data protection and privacy are GDPR-compliant. This is ensured by the following measures, among others:

  • Images are captured exclusively for the purpose of optimized signal control
  • The images are discarded immediately after analysis on site
  • There is no data storage, no data export and no data processing in a cloud
  • Image sections that are not required for the above-mentioned purpose are permanently blanked out when the system is set up
  • Individual personal characteristics are not processed
  • Live streaming of the camera images in the sense of a webcam is technically impossible

Thermal imaging cameras and conventional camera technology are used for recording.

Will all traffic lights in Jena be switched intelligently?

The new technology will be used gradually as part of a funding program and will initially be limited to pedestrian traffic lights. We will then evaluate the technology. If its use proves successful, it could conceivably be extended to complex junctions.

What goals are being pursued?

You have probably already noticed that when you are at a pedestrian crossing and request the green light, you wait a long time even though there is hardly any traffic on the road. Or you are driving in a large group of vehicles and have to stop again and again, which can also harm the environment.
The aim of this new control system is not only to distribute the limited release windows available in a "cycle" more fairly, but also to adapt them dynamically to the traffic. This means that the clearance times can be dynamically extended if necessary, for example when a large crowd is approaching or when very slow people are crossing the road. In future, the traffic lights will also be able to react more quickly to a lower traffic density, reducing the waiting time for people crossing the road.

Is the project funded?

Yes, the project is being funded in accordance with the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport's Digitalization of Municipal Transport Systems Directive. The technology required for this was put out to public tender and will be retrofitted to selected traffic lights in the city of Jena from May until the end of 2024.

What happens if the technology goes on strike?

When introducing new technology, unforeseeable challenges can arise, especially in the initial phase. Be it that setting parameters need to be readjusted or detection difficulties need to be resolved. In such a case, the traffic light "falls back" to its familiar switching pattern without intelligence. For this reason, the familiar "yellow pushbuttons" will continue to receive the green requests.

Can traffic chaos occur if every traffic light decides autonomously?

  1. Several protective mechanisms work together to prevent this:
    Object recognition is a separate process from the traffic light. The traffic light first processes the current phase and only switches the desired image at the next possible point in the program sequence. If object recognition is disrupted, the traffic light continues to run normally.
  2. The traffic lights in the urban area are connected to each other and to the traffic computer via a dedicated network. They are permanently monitored there, allowing faults to be detected at an early stage and downtimes to be minimized. Higher-level coordination can also take place.
  3. A redundant computer system on site constantly checks and logs impermissible signal states. If such a fault is detected, the system shuts down before the signal status is visualized. Green for two conflicting traffic flows are technically ruled out as a result.
  4. The logs are legally binding.

What are the specific advantages of intelligent traffic lights?

  • Increased acceptance thanks to adaptively controlled traffic light phases that are based on real traffic flows. In practice, the system is designed to handle traffic on the main route as well as pedestrians crossing in batches during periods of heavy traffic, whereas during periods of low traffic, the focus is on ensuring a passage with as little delay as possible, even if the main direction is permanently green.
  • Waiting times at traffic lights can be reduced by automatically registering pedestrians with a recognizable desire to cross
  • Extending the clearance time for people with mobility impairments based on their position and speed
  • The city hopes that the introduction of the system will reduce traffic congestion and accidents through holistically optimized traffic flows.

Traffic lights

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena