Benches & sponsorships

Park benches | Paths and squares

We look after approx. 1,200 park benches and approx. 55,000 square meters of paths and squares in green spaces throughout the city. Benches invite people to rest, linger and slow down. They are meeting places for communication and enhance the overall cityscape.

We are primarily responsible for the maintenance, care and repair of these locations.

Paths, benches and play areas at the Landfeste
Paths, benches and play areas at the Landfeste

City benches

Am alten Gaswerk 7a
(Postanschrift: Löbstedter Str. 68)
07749 Jena

Bench sponsorships

Become a sponsor for a park bench!

By taking on a sponsorship, you make it possible to maintain the large number of benches. They serve as a symbolic donation for the care (preservation, maintenance, upkeep) of existing benches.
Therefore, symbolically choose your own personal bench! Sponsorships are also suitable as a gift for a birthday or anniversary.

We also appreciate your support in maintaining the benches by cleaning them, removing garbage or reporting damage.

Bank sponsorships
Bank sponsorships

Period and costs

You can become a bank sponsor for a period of 5 years with a donation of 200.00 euros/sponsorship (gross).

As a special thank you for your commitment

On request, a dedication can be attached to the backrest of wooden benches. For this purpose, the KSJ will have a metal plate with the dedication made and attached (engraving: e.g. name, text, graphic) for an additional charge of 80 euros (gross). The sponsor also receives a certificate and donation receipt.


Have you already discovered a special park bench? Then please contact us! We will tell you whether this location is available or what alternatives exist. Please send us a description, possibly also a sketch, photo or coordinates.


Optionally, the sponsorship can be extended by 5 years. (Costs: 200 EUR)

How to become a bank sponsor

For our joint coordination, we need your contact details, details of the bank location and, if desired, the dedication. Please use the "Bank sponsorship" form.

Alternative: Benches in the forest

Are you interested in benches in the forest? Then please contact the KSJ | Stadtforst. Here you will find all information about bench sponsorships (forest).

City benches

Am alten Gaswerk 7a
(Postanschrift: Löbstedter Str. 68)
07749 Jena