Repairing instead of throwing away - repair café as a guest

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Repair Café Jena
Repair Café Jena

On Saturday, July 8 from 13:00-16:30, the Repair Café Jena will be visiting Kommunalservice Jena at the recycling center - customer parking lot - at Löbstedter Straße 56.

Last year, the Repair Café Jena counted around 50 visitors with repair needs for electrical appliances, textiles, bicycles and much more. The greatest need for repair is always for electrical appliances.

All interested parties are welcome to come along with defective items such as electrical appliances, textiles and/or bicycles to repair them together.

The aim is to break out of the cycle of buying and throwing away together.

Further information and all dates on: Reparier-Café or in the press.