Saturday, September 16, 2023 is World Cleanup Day, a global day of social action to rid the environment of waste.
It takes place on the third Saturday in September.
Rental of grabbers and bin liners:
Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) will provide you with grab tongs and bin bags specially marked for this campaign. The rental is always on a weekly basis.
Please register your campaign with us at least five working days in advance by e-mail umweltbildung-ksj@jena.de. The following information is required:
- Location/address of the area
- desired date of the waste collection campaign
- expected number of participants
- Contact details of the organizer
We will then get in touch with you.
How is the collected waste disposed of?
Please place the full bin liners in public litter bins or at glass container locations so that the 'sticker' is clearly visible. Then inform us of the locations by e-mail staedtereinigung@jena.de so that our employees can collect the bags quickly.
You can then return the grab bags to the KSJ Service Center at Löbstedter Straße 56.
Please note that the number of grab bags is limited.