Waste disposal in December 23 / January 24

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Waste garbage cans with snow cover
Waste garbage cans with snow cover
Postponement of waste disposal in December 2023
Waste disposal will be brought forward on Christmas Day (52nd week):

Emptying on Monday (25.12.) will take place on Saturday, 23.12.

From the 2nd Christmas Day (26.12.), waste disposal will be postponed to the following working day:
Tuesday, 26.12.23 will be postponed to Wednesday, the 27.12.23
Wednesday, 27.12.23 will be postponed to Thursday, the 28.12.23
Thursday, 28.12.23 will be postponed to Friday, the 29.12.23
Friday, 29.12.23 will be postponed to Saturday, the 30.12.23
Postponement of waste disposal in January 2024

In week 1, waste disposal will be postponed to the following working day:

Monday, 01.01.24 will be postponed to Tuesday, 02.01.24
Tuesday, 02.01.24 will be postponed to Wednesday, the 03.01.24
Wednesday, 03.01.24 will be postponed to Thursday, the 04.01.24
Thursday, 04.01.24 will be postponed to Friday, the 05.01.24
Friday, 05.01.24 will be postponed to Saturday, the 06.01.24
Disposal of Christmas trees in January 2024
by special tour from 15.01. to 19.01.2024

Please provide the cleaned trees at the container location on 15.01.24 by 6 a.m. with a maximum length of 1.50 m, shorten if necessary!

Later disposal can only take place on the respective disposal days of the regular organic waste collection.