Every crown cap counts!

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Countless collected crown caps fall into a collection container for scrap metal

Jena, June 28, 2024

This year's collection campaign by the KSJ for the Ronald McDonald House in Jena has produced impressive results: In the past six months, 3,130 kg of crown caps have already been collected, which corresponds to around 1.39 million lids. These caps are recycled and the proceeds, which are based on the current scrap price, go entirely to the Ronald McDonald House in Jena. So far, around 920 euros (net) have been raised in this way.

The largest single donation came from the Ronald McDonald House itself: 1,090 kg of crown caps were on the scales at the recycling center. Various businesses, initiatives and private individuals are already actively collecting for the good cause and thus contributing to the success of the campaign. Since the start of the collection campaign, the parents' initiative for children with cancer in Jena and the hospice in Jena have been supported.

Specially marked collection garbage cans, also known as "treasure chests", are available at the recycling centers at Löbstedter Straße 56 and Emil-Wölk-Straße 13 a in Jena. The collected crown caps can be handed in here during normal opening hours.

The Ronald McDonald House Jena offers families with seriously ill children a "temporary home" near the hospital. Support through such campaigns is essential to provide families with a little relief and closeness during this difficult time. The KSJ and the Ronald McDonald House Jena would like to thank everyone who has already donated crown caps and continue to call for participation in the collection campaign. Every crown cap counts!