Flower bulbs for green space on Lommerweg

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Zwei Gärtner in einer herbstlichen Grünanlage mit Blumenzwiebeln und Schaufel
KSJ/Öffentliches Grün - D. Helbig und L. Sachse

In beautiful fall weather, numerous helpers planted 2,000 flower bulbs in the ground. In spring, daffodils and tulips will beautify the living environment in Jena-West. The atmosphere during the 3.5-hour campaign was excellent and has already received positive feedback from walkers.
The idea came from the Jena-West district council and was put into practice with the help of the KSJ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Hachmöller thanked the KSJ/Public Green for their commitment. Two gardeners made this great project possible with professional guidance, their own muscle power and 2,000 flower bulbs and planting spades.