Good for nature, the environment and the climate:
Cork is an important natural raw material and far too good to throw away, says Uwe Feige (Plant Manager KSJ). The collected material has now been handed over to the Naturschutzjugend Thüringen (NAJU for short); Leutra 15 in Jena (youth organization Naturschutzbund Deutschland Landesverband Hamburg e.V. - NABU) for the first time on 06.04.2023.
In the process, 11 large moving boxes weighing 150 kg were collected within 10 months.
The boxes are collected in a marked collection garbage can (brown) at the Löbstedter Straße 56 recycling center.
Corks can be handed in here during the respective opening hours. Since July 2022, corks from wine bottles or other cork material for crane protection can be handed in for the cork collection campaign. The recycling center in Löbstedt is registered with NABU Hamburg as a secondary collection point for corks.
Interesting facts about cork:
"Cork has many positive aspects
● Cork is a natural and renewable raw material.
● Around 8 g of CO2 are bound in a single cork stopper.
● A cork oak that is regularly harvested binds more than 3 times as much CO2 as an unused cork oak.
● Natural cork stoppers have a very good eco-balance: 75% less CO2 is emitted than during the production and disposal of screw caps.
● Bottle corks are excellent for recycling and can be used a second time, for example as insulation material in the thermal insulation of buildings.
● 13,000 plant species depend on the unique cork oak forests."
Source https://www.nabu.de / cork flyer page 2