Numerous interested visitors also gathered at the new forum natura nature experience center in Jena Forest for the International Bat Night on 25.08.2023.
Bat expert Gaetano Fichera from the FLEDERMAUS Foundation first gave an exciting insight into the way of life and special features of the flying insectivores. He was supported by Steffen Adler from the environmental protection department in Jena. After the presentation, the visitors were able to go on a voyage of discovery themselves.
During the guided walk, bat lovers of all ages were delighted by the rhythmic sounds from the bat detectors, which translated the ultrasonic signals of the bats into audible sounds. But the crowning glory of the evening was a water bat that flew into the net, which was measured, documented and released again to the loud cheers of the children present.
The Stadtforst Jena (KSJ) would like to thank the great speakers, the great audience and EUROBATS for the first-class bat materials, which contributed to an all-round successful event.