Issue of residential address

Providing the official address ensures that people can be registered at the Citizens' Registration Office and its registry. Other offices of the city administration or institutions also automatically receive this information, so that the registering citizen is spared many trips and inconveniences.

The allocation of house numbers serves the regulatory purpose of ensuring that the individual buildings on a street can be reached quickly and found easily by citizens, emergency vehicles, the fire department, police, postal services, etc. and to avoid orientation difficulties.


Required documents

  • Application for an official address
  • Site plan
  • Property identification
    The application requires the property identification (district, parcel and parcel number) and/or an extract from the cadastral map.


The issuing of an address is subject to an administrative fee of 40.00 to 100.00 euros, depending on the administrative effort involved.

The same procedure applies to necessary address changes or deletions. If this is done ex officio, these notifications are free of charge.

Legal basis

In accordance with §§ 126 Para. 3, 200 Para. 2 of the Building Code and on the basis of the authority conferred on the City of Jena by § 5 Para. 1 of the Thuringian Regulatory Authorities Act, the lower road construction authority issues an official address to the land or building owner or developer at their request.

Road administration

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena


Application for an official address

I hereby apply for the following property to be issued with a notice of determination of the official residential address / business address

This is a:


  1. To ensure that the building can be correctly assigned to the street, it is absolutely necessary to enclose a site plan with the house entrance marked!
  2. The issue of a house number does not automatically give rise to a legal entitlement to obtain permits, approvals or authorizations based on other legal provisions, in particular the Building Code.
  3. Fees are charged for the issuance of the notice to issue a house number in accordance with the administrative cost statutes of the City of Jena dated 14.03.2018


Road administration

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena