Waste ABC

The classification of the listed waste is merely a guide for the disposal of waste. Completeness cannot be guaranteed. The classification by the KSJ's specialist staff is ultimately decisive.

Waste ABC
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Search Letter
What Remark Disposal route
PPK containers (blue garbage can)
Exchange house
Recycling center
Recycling center
Registration for collection
Hazardous waste mobile
Recycling center
Mercury switch
Hazardous waste mobile
Recycling center
Mercury vapor lamps
Hazardous waste mobile
Recycling center
Mineral fiber waste
  • subject to a charge
  • Acceptance only from areas of origin Jena, SHK and Altenburger Land
  • Waste must be packed dust- and fiber-tight (e.g. foil bags)
Recycling center Löbstedter Str. 56
Mixed scrap

z. E.g. metals, beams, reinforcing bars, radiators

free of charge

Silver-grey containers at collection points (small electrical appliances & scrap metal)
Recycling center
Scrap trade
Mold killer
Hazardous waste mobile
Recycling center
Hazardous waste mobile
Recycling center