Electronics technician (m/f/d)

Professional education as an electronics technician (m/f/d) for operating technology

Kommunalservice Jena provides training in modern service professions. Professional education is carried out in the dual system and offers young school leavers the chance of a solid and future-oriented professional qualification.
You can expect competent trainers, an excellent training facility and a strong company.

Auszubildender zum Elektroniker
Auszubildender zum Elektroniker

Making the city safer

To do this, we need a comprehensive lighting network and professional educators to light it up.

During your professional education, you will learn how to assemble, install and maintain electrical components and systems. To do this, you will have to set up and test circuits, know and understand automation systems and program control units. You will also instruct future users in the operation of systems when they are handed over.

Professional education

takes place at the Staatliche Berufsbildende Schule Technik in Gera.

The practical professional education

is carried out in the electrical engineering department of Kommunalservice Jena. Inter-company training courses are also completed.

The training period

is 3.5 years.
Training always begins in the official school and training year.

The final examination

is taken at the IHK Gera.

Prerequisites for this profession are

  • Standard school leaving certificate 10th grade
  • good grades in mathematics and physics
  • manual dexterity, technical understanding and interest in electronics
  • logical thinking, fine motor skills
  • Ability to concentrate, careful working methods
  • Open-mindedness, commitment, flexibility and reliability

Send us your letter of application, a tabular CV, copies of your last two certificates and internship assessments.

Personnel | Professional education

Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena

Personnel | Professional education

Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena