A strong signal for environmental protection

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View into the treetop with "Thank you" lettering
View into the treetop with "Thank you" lettering

To mark Earth Day on April 22, the technology company ZEISS and FC Carl Zeiss Jena (FCC) set a strong example for environmental protection. Visitors to the home games were encouraged to arrive by bike - for every bike counted, ZEISS donated ten euros to the German Forest Protection Association (SDW). Thanks to 150 registered bicycles, ZEISS generously increased the donation amount to 5,000 euros.

The SDW works hand in hand with the Jena City Forestry Office at the forum natura nature experience center to promote environmental education projects such as the forest youth games and tree planting campaigns.

In addition, ZEISS employees and FCC players took part in the annual "SaalePUTZ" clean-up campaign, actively supporting cleanliness in the city.

Kommunalservice Jena would like to thank ZEISS for another generous donation and all those involved for their commitment. The Jenaer Nachrichten newspaper has already reported in detail on the joint activities. This exemplary cooperation shows how cooperation can make a sustainable contribution to environmental protection.