
KSJ is committed

Through its offers and support services, Kommunalservice Jena provides children and adults with responsible content for the sustainable and resource-conserving development of our environment.

We stand for an attractive city and forest image and a Jena worth living in - today and a little better every day. That is why we call on people to get actively involved with us and turn ideas into reality.

We support daycare centers, schools, clubs and volunteers with forest and waste education programs and/or cleaning campaigns.

Creative ideas for staff recruitment

The KSJ has also launched another recruitment pilot project with the expanded offer to exchange reusable items (Tauschhaus 2.0). People with disabilities are not only part of the workforce, but are also responsible for a range of services in the form of so-called company-integrated jobs (external jobs), which are difficult to fill through conventional recruitment, e.g. in the areas of service, gardening or electronic waste.

Twelve colleagues with disabilities are now working there independently within the workforce.

Swapping instead of disposing

Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) would like to help avoid waste and enable reuse.

Swap house at Löbstedter Straße 68

The "Tauschhaus 2.0" is located on the KSJ premises. Two house containers with visitor parking spaces offer a free platform for exchanging used media.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ***Exception: From May 27 to 31, the swap house for books, CDs, toys..., on the premises of Löbstedter Straße 68, closes at 2:15 p.m.***

Hand in items:

Items that are no longer needed but in good condition can be handed in free of charge. These are for example

  • Books, magazines,
  • CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays, records,
  • PC and console games,
  • Board and game collections and/or puzzles,
  • Children's toys and/or articles (baby carriages, bicycles, chairs, etc.),
  • Household goods (cutlery, crockery, glasses, cups, pans etc.) and/or
  • Flower pots and vases


Items for private use can be taken from the swap house free of charge. The swap house gives citizens the opportunity to bring items they no longer need for exchange. Every day, we notice that particularly sought-after items such as children's books and games, historical editions such as old encyclopaedias or cookery books and even specialist books quickly find new owners. Interested parties will find a very varied and constantly changing selection here.

Three final requests:

  1. Please do not hand in any (video) and/or cassette tapes, as these are hardly ever used and may have to be disposed of for a fee. Unused cassettes and their covers can be disposed of in the residual waste garbage can.
  2. Clothing, furniture and electronic items are also excluded from acceptance. There are various initiatives in Jena for this purpose.
  3. In addition, for copyright reasons, no home-burned storage media and/or "index" material from the Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Young Persons will be accepted. However, CDs and DVDs do not have to be disposed of with Residual waste. There is an extra container for free recycling at the recycling center at Löbstedter Straße 56.

Do you have any questions? You can reach us here: Tel. (03641) 4989-500 | e-mail:

Tauschhaus 2.0 - Exterior view
Tauschhaus 2.0 - Exterior view

Would you like to be able to do something concrete in your everyday life to make life easier for urban trees in your area? We, the Kommunalservice Jena tree care department, would like to give you a few suggestions and introduce you to the concept of tree sponsorship.

Tree sponsorship - how does it work?

Nobody needs to worry about being overburdened by taking on a tree sponsorship! This is because the duty of care for the sponsored tree remains with the city even if a sponsorship exists, so that the sponsor does not have to worry about the stability of their tree or carry out extensive maintenance work, pruning or similar on the tree themselves.

Even with relatively small maintenance measures, tree sponsors can make it noticeably easier for "their" tree to survive in the city:

  • clearing the tree disc of garbage (especially cigarette butts!);
  • provide the tree with a few buckets of water in dry weather. Especially when it's very hot, it's better to have one more jug;
  • carefully loosen the soil around the tree from time to time - this will significantly improve the water and nutrient supply;
  • prevent the tree from being permanently damaged by dog excrement and dog urine by planting, for example, barberries or the so-called "piss off plant coleus canina";
  • protect the tree disc from soil compaction, pollutants and dog urine by means of a boundary (max. 50 cm high and at least 50 cm away from parking bays and roadways and at least 25 cm away from cycle paths or footpaths);
  • if necessary, remove overgrown "weeds" or garden plants;
  • protect the area under the tree canopy from debris and parked cars - possibly even with a knee-high barrier (only after consultation with the city!);
  • get involved in public relations work about the positive effects of urban trees;

Being a tree sponsor - what are the benefits?

  • You can design the tree slice of "your" tree largely according to your own ideas and can thus create a small natural oasis virtually on your doorstep, from which passers-by, butterflies etc. also benefit. As a rule, it is up to you to decide whether you want to give self-settling plants free space or plant the tree slice according to your own ideas.
  • You will receive care tips and advisory support from the KSJ tree care department.
  • You will receive a small "starter pack" with seeds for a colorful flower meadow.
  • You make an active contribution to climate protection, to the beautification of your neighborhood and to increasing the quality of life in Jena.
  • You will receive a sign that you can place under the tree to make your commitment visible to the general public.

Becoming a tree sponsor - is it difficult?

Becoming a sponsor is "child's play"

  • Select a tree, note the number on it
  • Download thetree sponsorship agreement form under 'Downloads'
  • Fill out the form and sign it if possible
  • send it to the Kommunalservice Jena tree care department, preferably by e-mail

Not only individuals can sponsor trees, but also families, schools, clubs, kindergartens, etc.

What a tree sponsor can do for "their" tree is agreed in the sponsorship contract and depends on the personal possibilities and interests of the individual person(s).

Waste collection campaign - supported by KSJ

If you would like to add a litter collection campaign to the environmental education topics covered in your educational institution, or if you simply want to keep our city clean, we will be happy to support you.

With grabbing tongs and special bin liners

The KSJ provides you with gripping tongs as a "helping hand" and garbage bags specially marked for this campaign (ant stickers). The rental is always on a weekly basis.

Please place the full bin lin ers in public litter bins or at glass container locations so that the 'ant sticker' is clearly visible. Then inform us of the locations by e-mail so that our employees can collect the bags quickly.

Please return the grab bags to the KSJ Service Center at Löbstedter Straße 56.

Please register your campaign with us at least five working days in advance by emailing The following information is required:

  • Location/address of the area
  • desired date of the waste collection campaign
  • expected number of participants
  • Contact details of the organizer

We will then get in touch with you.

Collection campaign at the Löbstedter Straße 56 recycling center for a good cause

Since July 2022, corks from wine bottles can be handed in to the collection campaign for crane conservation. Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) is registered as a secondary collection point for corks with NABU Hamburg. Good for nature, the environment and the climate: you can recycle valuable cork material via the KSJ, thus helping to preserve cork oak forests in the cranes' wintering grounds and obtaining ecological insulation material.

Cork is collected in a marked collection garbage can (brown) at the recycling center. Corks can be handed in here during the respective opening hours. The bin is emptied at regular intervals and the contents handed over to the NAJU (youth organization NABU). During the collection and handing in process, social skills and the handling and knowledge of the further path to recycling are also promoted.

Since February 2022, bottle and jar caps (made of tinplate) can be handed in at the recycling centers of Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ).
Labeled collection garbage cans are available as "treasure chests" for this purpose. With just a little passion for collecting, anyone can take part in the "crown caps" campaign and help support regional projects. At the same time, the route to recycling is secured.

The idea of collecting and recycling the lids and donating the proceeds came from Jena vocational school teacher Shabnam Staudt (pictured right with Uwe Feige - Plant Manager KSJ). She had submitted the proposal to the 2022 Citizens' Budget. However, it was not even put to the vote. Instead, the KSJ implemented her idea immediately.
1.043 kg of crown caps were collected in 10 months (period February - December 2022) during the collection campaign. That corresponds to almost 450,000 caps. The caps collected are recycled and the proceeds, which are calculated based on the current scrap price, are donated to the Kinderhilfestiftung Jena e.V. children's aid foundation.

The appropriately marked "treasure chests" can be found at the recycling centers at Löbstedter Straße 56 and Emil-Wölk-Straße 13 a in Jena. The crown caps can be handed in there during normal opening hours. In addition to citizens, initiatives and companies from Jena are now also actively collecting for the good cause.

Crown cap


Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena


Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena