Professional driver (m/f/d)

Kommunalservice Jena provides training in modern service professions. Professional education is carried out in the dual system and offers young school leavers the chance to gain a solid and future-oriented professional qualification.

You can expect competent trainers, an excellent training facility and a strong company.

Auszubildernder zum Berufskraftfahrer
Auszubildernder zum Berufskraftfahrer

In the first year of training, you will acquire a category C and CE driving license. This is done in cooperation with a renowned driving school in the region. In the course of further professional education, you will acquire driving experience in particular in connection with the teaching of important knowledge and skills such as

  • Legal regulations in road traffic,
  • Occupational safety, health and environmental protection in road traffic,
  • Preparing and carrying out transportation,
  • Maintenance and care of vehicles,
  • operational planning and logistics and
  • Preparation of transport documents and quality assurance measures.

Professional education

takes place at the Staatliche Berufsbildende Schule Technik in Gera.

The practical professional education

is completed in the various departments of Kommunalservice Jena. You will get to know the diverse vehicle technology, be integrated into the teams and receive independent work assignments. The aim of the Professional education is to train you to become a safe professional driver who is technically adept and flexible. To consolidate the curriculum content, inter-company training courses are offered on various topics.

The training period

comprises 3 years of training. Training always begins in the official school and training year.

The final examination

is taken at the Gera Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Prerequisites for this profession are

  • successful standard school-leaving certificate
  • good knowledge of mathematics and physics
  • a strong sense of responsibility
  • technical understanding
  • high physical resilience
  • high level of commitment and flexibility
  • Class B driving license

Send us your letter of application, a tabular CV, copies of your last two certificates and internship assessments.

Personnel | Professional education

Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena

Personnel | Professional education

Löbstedter Straße 56
07749 Jena